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If you’re experiencing constipation, the following quick treatments can help induce a bowel movement in as little as a few hours. If other natural options have failed, doctors will sometimes prescribe stool softeners like Colace on a short-term basis to help pregnant women with constipation. However, long-term use can lead to dehydration or change your electrolyte balance.

Some prepared enema solutions contain sodium phosphate, a compound that agitates the rectum, helping you to go to the bathroom. Also, having a regular daily routine and prioritizing sleep can help with having regular bowel movements. Apart from being full of vitamins such as A, C, and D, fennel seeds have many antioxidant agents, which help enhance the digestive functioning. They also contain estragole, anethole, and fenchone, which contribute to antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory abilities of the plant. Alternatively, mix 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice with honey into a glass of warm water. People often tout prunes and prune juice as nature’s remedy for constipation — and for good reason.
Honeydew Melon: Origins, Nutritional Value and Health Benefits
Gas will move the stool inside the intestines and will evacuate itself. If you combine marmalade with tea, you have an easy-to-make remedy with laxative effects. There are a few important sources of soluble fiber like Flax seeds, Peas, Oatmeal, Chia seeds, Asparagus, Psyllium seeds, and Brussels sprouts. Moderate exercise like brisk walking, jogging or mowing the lawn. Experts recommend doing exercise for at least three hours per week. Swimming is a combination of cardio and strength exercise.
It can help you focus on eating the right types of foods that are high in fiber and plant-based so you feel well, says Dr. Garg. How often you poop varies from person to person — you might have a bowel movement one to two times a day or every two to three days. Another option is eating a bowl of the ripened, chopped papaya daily to promote the smooth bowel movement. Dandelion leaf works as a gentle laxative and an effective detoxifier. Traditional herbal medicine often uses dandelion to deal with constipation together with other symptoms of impaired digestion.
Why Am I Constipated?
Also, if you experience any of the following, it’s time to see your doctor. “You may see a stool softener and a laxative stimulant paired together,” says Dr. Garg. There are different kinds of laxatives that can help ease your constipation.
Specific massage techniques help move stool through the intestines more quickly by increasing bowel muscle contraction . Healthy adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. In one high-quality study, IBS patients who received online mindfulness training reported a 42% reduction in symptoms at 3 months. By contrast, IBS patients who had access to an online discussion forum reported a 12% increase in symptoms . It’s important to manage stress, both for overall health and to ease digestive symptoms. Digestive symptoms like constipation can lead to anxiety and psychological stress.
Constipation Remedies and Treatments
They contain water, sorbitol, fructose, fiber, and phytochemicals. Our body requires lots of water to relieve constipation immediately. Our body needs mineral water to keep our body temperature cool. There are home remedies from Ayurervedic medicine that really do work for constipation. But there is no one-size-fits-all, “instant” home remedy for symptoms of constipation and digestive upset. Senna isn’t recommended if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or if you are currently taking blood thinners or steroid medications.

Rather than make an entire enema kit at home, these can be used right out of the box. If you’re planning to use mineral oil, you just need about 120 ml. An enema is a method of clearing out your colon using an injection of fluid — basically, loosening up impacted bowels to help make yourself poop. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.
Castor oil
Have this water every morning with an empty stomach. You consume 2 teaspoons of honey about 3 times per day until you see the improvements. You should follow this solution daily to get the best results within a few days.

How to Live Gluten-Free Learn what foods to avoid. Probiotics are supplements that introduce more "good" bacteria to the gut. You should use enemas for constipation only after trying other remedies. Taking these laxatives increases the amount of intestinal fluid to make you go to the bathroom. “Sometimes, it might be trial and error with some of remedies to see what works best for you, but your GI doctor can help,” says Dr. Garg.
You probably don’t consider how you poop, but there can be some benefits to rethinking your position. But many of us struggle to stay properly hydrated throughout the day. And when it comes to how often you should use a fiber supplement, it depends on how often you have constipation.
This remedy is a good laxative that can help you in regulating digestion and bowel movements. Being an ancient Ayurveda remedy, it can improve digestion by encouraging the release of digestive enzymes and enhancing muscle contractions. Along with that, it functions as a natural laxative and aids in fighting constipation . Flaxseeds have many medicinal properties due to their omega-3 fatty acids and fiber contents. In addition, flaxseeds have a laxative property that may help you treat constipation from mild to serious cases . They are also rich in both insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, which make them an ideal digestive aid.
It’s very important to speak with a doctor before beginning any constipation treatment, due to the risk of side effects. One observational study of older adults linked low physical activity levels to constipation. The study also looked at other factors, such as diet variety, that influence bowel symptoms. It’s difficult to know from this study the degree to which inactivity is related to constipation . Removing high-FODMAP foods from the diet for several weeks and then systematically reintroducing them helps to identify food intolerances. This method has been shown to relieve IBS-C symptoms for those with food sensitivities .

This includes in people with indigestion, or dyspepsia, and people with chronic idiopathic constipation . It is intended for general informational purposes and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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